When one door closes...
When one door closes... Podcast
"We live in a world of 'you have to do better. You gotta be this. You gotta be that. But you don't. You don't have to be anything. You just gotta be you" Brandon Block

"We live in a world of 'you have to do better. You gotta be this. You gotta be that. But you don't. You don't have to be anything. You just gotta be you" Brandon Block

“I think when you start planning too much you get overwhelmed and with the best will in the world you lose focus when you have these distractions running in your head. And you try to do too much and take too much on and it doesn’t help us.

We start overthinking. We start something, but we also start struggling a bit with it. But we’ve started, so we cant stop. So you tick a box, you keep going, hoping it will all work out, you struggle through by opening that door, but it doesn’t work, then you go to the next door and you think I've gotta to do that as well. So when you get to it halfway, that door's ajar, it’s not fully open and you go, right I'll go to the next door and that's ajar and that's ajar. But none of them feel fully open. Before you know it, you got a whole swimming pool of ajar doors.

And you end up saying, oh, I'm not very good at this because I'm not completing anything. And then you don't do it. And then you start setting goals from a negative place and you won't achieve them.

You beat yourself up because you haven't achieved the goals and it all turns into shit again. And then worst case scenario, you think you can nip over the other side of the pool and you can unlock that fucking door again that you were trying to close. And you don't wanna do that.

So, what you really need to do- just pick one project, close all the other doors and focus on that, and give it time”

On this episode I’m talking to Brandon Block.

What an incredible tale of many doors opening, closing and some maybe left slightly a jar. From Ibiza DJ legend to recovery coach, to life coach - a tale we can all take some inspiration and energy from.