When one door closes...
When one door closes... Podcast
"Let go of the burdens holding us back from new opportunities" Andrew Tilling

"Let go of the burdens holding us back from new opportunities" Andrew Tilling

"Life is a journey, and sometimes we have to let go of the burdens we carry, just like not carrying the boat after crossing the river. It's about being open to new opportunities and alternative paths." Andrew Tilling

Our guest…

In this episode, we delve into the captivating story of Andrew Tilling, the CEO and founder of The Hive, a training change consultancy. From his background as a professional actor to his current role in the corporate training world, Andrew shares the evolution of his identity and how it integrates into the changing landscape of the business world.

Our conversation…

Join us as we uncover Andrew's insights on embracing authenticity, navigating constant change, and the crucial role of self-care and spirituality in his journey.

5 things from the podcast >

1. Identity evolution: Embrace change, adapt and grow through life's transformations, find your authentic voice and purpose in the process.

2. Spiritual practices in work: Explore mindfulness and presence, integrate spiritual practices into your work practise, don’t be afraid of trying something new.

3. Influence of Daoism and Buddhism: Draw wisdom from Eastern philosophies, applying principles of non-attachment and self-reflection to navigate change.

5. The importance of self-care: Prioritize reflection, nurturing mental and emotional well-being for resilience and success in a dynamic world.

Andrew’s Another Door go-tos

The things that helped Andrew navigate change.

  • The book - Training the Mind: & Cultivating Loving-Kindness by Chögyam Trungpa

  • The music - Afro Celt Sound System

  • The one piece of wisdom -

    “Trust the inspiration. You’ve got to ask yourself questions. You know? And don't be afraid to dream big. Have some big goals and recognize you want to be part of something bigger than you because that gets you out of your ego. And then it's about trusting your inspiration when you've made that commitment to guide you into the kind of activities and roles and fulfillment that enables you to fulfill that sense of purpose.”

Find Andrew here > https://consultthehive.com